Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13376
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2011
Main Partner: University of Washington
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $1,910,000

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $170,000

TA for ongoing delivery and expansion of basic health care in-service training for health care workers (current activity). Training of CSO members on mome/community based care and support for PLHIV. (current activity)

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $110,000

TA for the ongoing delivery and expansion of ART in-service training for health care workers. CHART will continue to provide training related to the atiretroviral management of patients living with HIV and AIDS in support of the decentralization of care in each of their countries. As more primary care providers begin to assume responsibility for HIV-infected patients the need for ART training will grow. Expanded use of distance learning training methodologies will assist the training centres in providing cost-effective and accessible ART training to a wider group of clinicians with varying levels of HIV knowledge and skill.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $1,630,000

TA to support the completion of HRH assessments in 12 countries (new). Training or TA related to HRIS to ensure evidence based HRH decision making at the country level (current). TA to develop a training plan based on the HRH assessment and HRH plan (current).TA to develop competency standards for HIV-related service delivery at all levels (current activity). TA to link tracking of health care workers via TrainSMART with a national HRIS (current activity). TA to update and standardize training curricula. TA to develop strategies for staff recruitment and retention (New activity). Strengthen the capacity of CHART training centers to conduct outcome evaluations (current activity). TA to CHART/RCU to adapt TrainSMART as the national training database in 12 countries and transition hosting of TrainSMART to CHART and/or to national governments (current activity). TA for the expansion of pre-service curriculum development and training (current activity).TA to develop training for mid-level management professionals (current activity). TA to establish and provide a structured clinical mentoring programme for physicians, pharmacists and nurses (current activity)

Subpartners Total: $0
Caribbean HIV AIDS Regional Training Network: NA